Saturday, January 11, 2014


So when I started this new blog, my idea was that I would actually start posting more regularly again. And by having one blog to contain all topics rather than four separate blogs splitting my life into separate parts (which really aren't separate), I thought this platform would be much better. But I've already let quite a bit of time pass between this post and the last.

I don't really want to start a specific New Year's resolution (which I've already botched) about posting every day or five times a week or something like that. But I do think that my "post more frequently" idea needs a little bit more specifics for me to actually post more frequently. I do know that I am deadline driven, so just having a vague goal of more frequent posting doesn't really do much. So I'm going to start light. One post per week. I'd love to do more of course, but I think that one post a week is not too much pressure but it also gives me a specific goal. And if I have more than one post a week, I'll feel quite pleased.

There are lots of things I should have posted about in the past month or so. I had planned to write a long post about the Essure procedure and my decision to have it done. I planned to post about our first Christmas in our new home, the first Christmas in a long time that we haven't traveled 19 hours to visit family. I planned to write about what's been going on with my knitting and spinning. I planned to write posts about parenting. I had a lovely post idea about the latest Doctor Who episode (the one in which Eleven--Matt Smith--regenerates into Twelve). Some of these posts may still show up (I do seriously want to write about Doctor Who) and some will just be skipped over (like the Christmas stuff). In fact, I am going to go write a new post right now to get myself started (this one doesn't truly count, I feel).

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