Sunday, March 16, 2014

Working with a Tech Editor

So my Criseyde scarf is currently with a tech editor, who along with tech editing is also helping me create a layout and style sheet to use for it and future patterns. She sent along a couple of options for the layout and I'm amazed at how a few tweaks here and there (with some suggestions that seem so obvious yet not since they didn't cross my mind!) can make a big difference. Tomorrow she is creating the chart and doing the actual tech editing. I'm excited to see how everything is coming together! Stay tuned for an updated look for Criseyde!

In other news, I've been trying to plot out the decreases for the hat (did anyone guess hat) pattern I'm developing. I'm using graph paper to plot it out after I did some trials on the swatch. I know what I want the top of the hat to look like and now it's just a matter of figuring out the best way to get it to come out that way! I hope to finish that part tonight so I can write up a draft and then get started knitting the actual hat tomorrow.

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